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Windowing Functions Index ...
Analytic Functions
LAG - obtain access to multiple rows within a resultant table, without the need for a self-join
Running Values
RunningCOUNT - how many rows are included in an ordered resultant table or within a partition in the resultant table, without having to do a self-join
RunningSUM - sum of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningAVG - average of column values in an ordered resultant table, without having to do a self-join
RunningMAX - maximum of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningMIN - minimum of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningDEVSQ - sum of squares of deviations of column values from their sample mean in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningSTDEV - sample standard deviation of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningSTDEVP - population standard deviation of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningVAR - sample variance of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningVARP - population variance of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningCORREL - Pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in y- and x-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
RunningCOVAR - covariance through data points in y- and x-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
RunningFORECAST - predicted value of y for a specific value of x for a series of x- and y-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
RunningINTERCEPT - intercept of a series of x- and y-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
RunningKURT_S - sample kurtosis of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningKURT_P - population kurtosis of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningPRODUCT - product of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningRSQ - square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in y- and x-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
RunningSKEW_S - samples skewness of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningSKEW_P - population skewness of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningSLOPE - slope of a series of x- and y-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
RunningSTEYX - standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in a regression within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
RunningTTEST - Student’s t-Test of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningVOLATILITY - historical volatility based upon price or valuation data from column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
Moving Values
MovingCOUNT - how many rows are included in an ordered resultant table or within a partition in the resultant table, without having to do a self-join
MovingSUM - sum of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingAVG - moving average of column values in an ordered resultant table, without having to do a self-join
MovingMAX - maximum of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingMIN - minimum of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingPRODUCT - product of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingDEVSQ - sum of squares of deviations of column values from their sample mean in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingSTDEV - sample standard deviation of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingSTDEVP - population standard deviation of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingVAR - sample variance of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingVARP - population variance of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingCORREL - Pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in y- and x-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
MovingCOVAR - covariance through data points in y- and x-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
MovingFORECAST - predicted value of y for a specific value of x for a series of x- and y-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
MovingINTERCEPT - intercept of a series of x- and y-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
MovingKURT_S - sample kurtosis of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingKURT_P - population kurtosis of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingRSQ - square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in y- and x-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
MovingSKEW_S - sample skewness of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingSKEW_P - population skewness of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingSLOPE - slope of a series of x- and y-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
MovingSTEYX - standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in a regression within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
MovingTTEST - Student’s t-Test of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingVOLATILITY - historical volatility based upon price or valuation data from column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
Moving Averages
DEMA - daily exponential weighted moving average of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
DWMA - daily weighted moving average across multiple rows within a resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningEWMA - exponentially weighted moving average of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingEWMA - exponentially weighted moving average of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
Inventory Calculations
FIFO - FIFO (first in, first out) values in an ordered resultant table
LIFO - LIFO (last in, first out) values in an ordered resultant table
WAC - running weighted average cost in an ordered resultant table
CAPM - Capital Asset Pricing Model
RunningSHARPE - Sharpe ratio from column values in an ordered resultant table without the need to a self-join
RunningINFORATIO - information ratio from column values in an ordered resultant table without the need of a self-join
MovingSHARPE - Sharpe ratio from column values in an ordered resultant table without the need to a self-join
MovingINFORATIO - information ratio from column values in an ordered resultant table without the need for a self-join
Misc Functions
XLDB_WINDOWING_VERSION - XLeratorDB / windowing version information
ALL FUNCTIONS (alpahbetical)
DEMA - daily exponential weighted moving average of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
DWMA - daily weighted moving average across multiple rows within a resultant table, without the need for a self-join
FIFO - FIFO (first in, first out) values in an ordered resultant table
LAG - obtain access to multiple rows within a resultant table, without the need for a self-join
LIFO - LIFO (last in, first out) values in an ordered resultant table
MovingAVG - moving average of column values in an ordered resultant table, without having to do a self-join
MovingCORREL - Pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in y- and x-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
MovingCOUNT - how many rows are included in an ordered resultant table or within a partition in the resultant table, without having to do a self-join
MovingCOVAR - covariance through data points in y- and x-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
MovingDEVSQ - sum of squares of deviations of column values from their sample mean in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingEWMA - exponentially weighted moving average of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingFORECAST - predicted value of y for a specific value of x for a series of x- and y-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
MovingINFORATIO - information ratio from column values in an ordered resultant table without the need for a self-join
MovingINTERCEPT - intercept of a series of x- and y-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
MovingKURT_P - population kurtosis of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingKURT_S - sample kurtosis of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingMAX - maximum of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingMIN - minimum of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingPRODUCT - product of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingRSQ - square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in y- and x-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
MovingSHARPE - Sharpe ratio from column values in an ordered resultant table without the need to a self-join
MovingSKEW_P - population skewness of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingSKEW_S - sample skewness of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingSLOPE - slope of a series of x- and y-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
MovingSTDEV - sample standard deviation of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingSTDEVP - population standard deviation of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingSTEYX - standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in a regression within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
MovingSUM - sum of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingTTEST - Student’s t-Test of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingVAR - sample variance of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingVARP - population variance of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
MovingVOLATILITY - historical volatility based upon price or valuation data from column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningAVG - average of column values in an ordered resultant table, without having to do a self-join
RunningCORREL - Pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in y- and x-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
RunningCOUNT - how many rows are included in an ordered resultant table or within a partition in the resultant table, without having to do a self-join
RunningCOVAR - covariance through data points in y- and x-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
RunningDEVSQ - sum of squares of deviations of column values from their sample mean in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningEWMA - exponentially weighted moving average of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningFORECAST - predicted value of y for a specific value of x for a series of x- and y-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
RunningINFORATIO - information ratio from column values in an ordered resultant table without the need of a self-join
RunningINTERCEPT - intercept of a series of x- and y-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
RunningKURT_P - population kurtosis of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningKURT_S - sample kurtosis of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningMAX - maximum of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningMIN - minimum of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningPRODUCT - product of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningRSQ - square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in y- and x-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
RunningSHARPE - Sharpe ratio from column values in an ordered resultant table without the need to a self-join
RunningSKEW_P - population skewness of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningSKEW_S - samples skewness of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningSLOPE - slope of a series of x- and y-values within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
RunningSTDEV - sample standard deviation of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningSTDEVP - population standard deviation of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningSTEYX - standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in a regression within a resultant table or partition, without the need for a self-join
RunningSUM - sum of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningTTEST - Student’s t-Test of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningVAR - sample variance of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningVARP - population variance of column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
RunningVOLATILITY - historical volatility based upon price or valuation data from column values in an ordered resultant table, without the need for a self-join
WAC - running weighted average cost in an ordered resultant table
XLDB_WINDOWING_VERSION - XLeratorDB / windowing version information
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Joe Stampf (admin)
10/26/2016 7:02:15 AM
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