Updated: 17 July 2012
Note: This documentation is for the SQL2008 (and later) version of this XLeratorDB function, it is not compatible with SQL Server 2005.
Click here for the SQL2005 version of the TTEST_INDEPU function
Use the aggregate function TTEST_INDEPU to perform a t-test on data in two samples, x and y assuming unequal variance. An independent samples t-test is used when you want to compare the means of a normally distributed interval dependent variable for two independent groups
The TTEST_INDEPU can return any of the following values.
P1 - one-tailed probability
P2 - two-tailed probability
T - t-statistic
DF - degrees of freedom
N1 - number of observations (in the x group)
N2 - number of observations (in the y group)
ES - effect size
MD - mean difference
SE - standard error
LCL - lower confidence level
UCL - upper confidence level
the column variable which differentiates the two samples. You can use @Label to identify the control group and the treatment group.
the x-values and y-values to be used in the computation. @Value is an expression of type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float.
identifies the statistic to be returned.
Identifies which if the two values in the @Label column will be treated as x (or sample 1).
Return Types
· @Statistic must be invariant within a GROUP.
· There must be exactly 2 values for @Label within a GROUP.
· @XLabel must be invariant within a GROUP.
· If @Value IS NULL it is not included in the aggregate.
· TTEST_INDEPU is an aggregate function and follows the same conventions as all other aggregate function in SQL Server.
· For paired t-test use TTEST_PAIRED.
· For independent samples with equal variances use TTEST_INDEP.
· Effect Size (ES) is calculated as Cohen’s d.
· Unlike EXCEL and some other statistics packages, DF is not rounded before calculating the one-tailed or two-tailed p-values.
· LCL and UCL are calculated with alpha = .05
Here’s a small sample of test scores broken out by gender.
SELECT wct.TTEST_INDEPU(x,val,'P1','F') as one_sided_p_value
) n(id, x, val)
This produces the following result.
If we wanted to calculate the t-statistic, we would just use T instead of P1
SELECT wct.TTEST_INDEPU(x,val,'T','F') as t_observed
) n(id, x, val)
This produces the following result.
Here we show all the values that can be returned by TTEST_INDEPU.
,wct.TTEST_INDEPU(x,val,t.s,'F') as Value
) n(id, x, val)
GROUP BY t.s, t.descr
This produces the following result.
s descr Value
---- ------------------ ----------------------
P1 one_tailed_p_value 0.140974751777123
P2 two_tailed_p_value 0.281949503554246
T t_observed -1.10263350525694
ES effect_size -0.436654132144636
N1 num_observed_one 12
N2 num_observed_two 13
DF deg_freedom 22.2901656180061
MD mean_difference -37.9615384615385
SE std_error 34.428065427499
LCL lower_ci -109.307125545989
UCL upper_ci 33.3840486229124