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XLeratorDB/statistics Documentation

History for QUARTILE - 2008 (history as of 10/20/2016 9:50:57 AM)


Updated: 28 February 2011

Note: This documentation is for the SQL2008 (and later) version of this XLeratorDB function, it is not compatible with SQL Server 2005.
Click here for the SQL2005 version of the QUARTILE function

Use the aggregate function QUARTILE to return the quartile of a dataset. QUARTILE is equal to PERCENTILE(x, k*.25). For more information on how PERCENTILE is calculated, go to the PERCENTILE documentation.
XLeratorDB syntax for QUARTILE function for SQL Server
the values on which the quartile is to be calculated. @x is an expression of type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float.
the quartile to be calculated. @k is an expression of type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float.
Return Types
·         If @k is less than zero or if @k is greater than four, QUARTILE returns an error.
·         MIN, MEDIAN, and MAX return the same value as QUARTILE when @k is equal to zero, two and 4, respectively.
·         If @k = 0, then QUARTILE returns the MIN of the dataset.
·         If @k = 4, then QUARTILE returns the MAX of the dataset.
·         If @k between 1 and 3, then QUARTILE returns the PERCENTILE of the dataset for @k * 0.25.
·         @k must remain invariant for a group.
·         PERCENTILE is an aggregate function and follows the same conventions as all other aggregate functions in SQL Server.
·         If you have previously used the PERCENTILE scalar function, the PERCENTILE aggregate has a different syntax. The PERCENTILE scalar function is no longer available in XLeratorDB/statistics2008, though you can still use the scalar QUARTILE_q
·         If there is only one value in the dataset, that value will be returned by the function.
In this example, we calculate the 3rd quartile for selected salary inforrmation collected from 10 cities.
      salary      --@x
      ,3          --@k
      ) as QUARTILE
      ('New York','429-00-6486',236503),
      ('New York','90-70-2526',224472),
      ('New York','87-85-0404',139802),
      ('New York','716-89-3089',185287),
      ('New York','159-78-5370',211900),
      ('New York','195-97-6820',186703),
      ('New York','95-49-2813',167451),
      ('New York','37-20-7422',149462),
      ('New York','44-48-0076',214708),
      ('New York','514-79-0041',226485),
      ('Los Angeles','526-34-4521',196402),
      ('Los Angeles','800-50-0868',205359),
      ('Los Angeles','41-34-3618',195679),
      ('Los Angeles','854-29-9398',131925),
      ('Los Angeles','673-30-3623',171091),
      ('Los Angeles','537-58-8889',110217),
      ('Los Angeles','808-68-4234',192836),
      ('Los Angeles','359-81-6735',209346),
      ('Los Angeles','731-80-2303',182186),
      ('Los Angeles','214-58-0842',125355),
      ('San Franciso','136-67-6873',148829),
      ('San Franciso','5-41-7374',114161),
      ('San Franciso','381-26-8852',232509),
      ('San Franciso','620-64-6243',112686),
      ('San Franciso','128-33-5550',208679),
      ('San Franciso','422-00-0156',107685),
      ('San Franciso','370-98-5607',133224),
      ('San Franciso','91-58-9543',218955),
      ('San Franciso','911-35-0448',187826),
      ('San Franciso','734-65-1268',223683),
      )p(city, id, salary)

This produces the following result.
(1 row(s) affected)

In this example we will calculate the 3rd quartile in each city.
,wct.QUARTILE(salary, 3) as QUARTILE
      ('New York','429-00-6486',236503),
      ('New York','90-70-2526',224472),
      ('New York','87-85-0404',139802),
      ('New York','716-89-3089',185287),
      ('New York','159-78-5370',211900),
      ('New York','195-97-6820',186703),
      ('New York','95-49-2813',167451),
      ('New York','37-20-7422',149462),
      ('New York','44-48-0076',214708),
      ('New York','514-79-0041',226485),
      ('Los Angeles','526-34-4521',196402),
      ('Los Angeles','800-50-0868',205359),
      ('Los Angeles','41-34-3618',195679),
      ('Los Angeles','854-29-9398',131925),
      ('Los Angeles','673-30-3623',171091),
      ('Los Angeles','537-58-8889',110217),
      ('Los Angeles','808-68-4234',192836),
      ('Los Angeles','359-81-6735',209346),
      ('Los Angeles','731-80-2303',182186),
      ('Los Angeles','214-58-0842',125355),
      ('San Franciso','136-67-6873',148829),
      ('San Franciso','5-41-7374',114161),
      ('San Franciso','381-26-8852',232509),
      ('San Franciso','620-64-6243',112686),
      ('San Franciso','128-33-5550',208679),
      ('San Franciso','422-00-0156',107685),
      ('San Franciso','370-98-5607',133224),
      ('San Franciso','91-58-9543',218955),
      ('San Franciso','911-35-0448',187826),
      ('San Franciso','734-65-1268',223683),
      )p(city, id, salary)

This produces the following result.
city                       QUARTILE
------------ ----------------------
Atlanta                    198430.5
Boston                     203299.5
Chicago                      205991
Dallas                    238910.75
Denver                    225197.25
Los Angeles               196221.25
Miami                     203921.75
New York                     222031
Phoenix                   231491.75
San Franciso                 216386
(10 row(s) affected)

In this example, we will select all the cities where the 3rd quartile is greater than 225,000.
,wct.QUARTILE(salary, 3) as QUARTILE
      ('New York','429-00-6486',236503),
      ('New York','90-70-2526',224472),
      ('New York','87-85-0404',139802),
      ('New York','716-89-3089',185287),
      ('New York','159-78-5370',211900),
      ('New York','195-97-6820',186703),
      ('New York','95-49-2813',167451),
      ('New York','37-20-7422',149462),
      ('New York','44-48-0076',214708),
      ('New York','514-79-0041',226485),
      ('Los Angeles','526-34-4521',196402),
      ('Los Angeles','800-50-0868',205359),
      ('Los Angeles','41-34-3618',195679),
      ('Los Angeles','854-29-9398',131925),
      ('Los Angeles','673-30-3623',171091),
      ('Los Angeles','537-58-8889',110217),
      ('Los Angeles','808-68-4234',192836),
      ('Los Angeles','359-81-6735',209346),
      ('Los Angeles','731-80-2303',182186),
      ('Los Angeles','214-58-0842',125355),
      ('San Franciso','136-67-6873',148829),
      ('San Franciso','5-41-7374',114161),
      ('San Franciso','381-26-8852',232509),
      ('San Franciso','620-64-6243',112686),
      ('San Franciso','128-33-5550',208679),
      ('San Franciso','422-00-0156',107685),
      ('San Franciso','370-98-5607',133224),
      ('San Franciso','91-58-9543',218955),
      ('San Franciso','911-35-0448',187826),
      ('San Franciso','734-65-1268',223683),
      )p(city, id, salary)
HAVING wct.QUARTILE(salary, 3) > 225000

This produces the following result.
city                       QUARTILE
------------ ----------------------
Dallas                    238910.75
Denver                    225197.25
Phoenix                   231491.75
(3 row(s) affected)

In this example we calculate the first quartile for a variety of data groupings, including one NULL value and a GROUP that only contains one member.
      ,wct.QUARTILE(x, 1) as QUARTILE
      ('ABC', 15),('ABC',20),('ABC',35),('ABC',40),('ABC',50),
      ('DEF', 7),('DEF',10),('DEF',17),('DEF',20),('DEF',25),('DEF',70),
      ('GHI', 21),('DEF',28),('DEF',NULL),('DEF',38),('DEF',31),('DEF',52),
      ('JKL', 37)
      ) p(dsc, x)

This produces the following result.
dsc                QUARTILE
---- ----------------------
ABC                      20
DEF                   17.75
GHI                      21
JKL                      37

(4 row(s) affected)


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