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XLeratorDB/financial Documentation

SQL Server Modified Dietz for multiple periods


Updated: 21 December 2012

Use the LMDIETZ aggregate function to calculate the linked Modified Dietz. The linked Modified Dietz function calculates the Modified Dietz for multiple periods as a method for calculating a time-weighted rate of return for each period.
XLeratorDB LMDIETZ formula
EMV is the Ending Market Value
BMV is the Beginning Market Value
CF is the net cash flow during the period (sells/withdrawals less buys/contributions)
CFi is the currency amount of cash flow i
Ci is the number of calendar days into the period CFi occurs
CD is the number of calendar days in the period
Syntax for XLeratorDB function LMDIETZ for SQL Server
the cash flow amounts. @CF is an expression of type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float.
the date on which the cash flow occurred. @CFDate is an expression of type datetime or of a type that can be implicitly converted to datetime.
Identifies the cash flow as being an Ending Market Value ('True') or not ('False' or NULL). @MV is an expression of type bit or of a type that can be implicitly converted to bit.
Return Type
·         The Ending Market Value for one period becomes the beginning market value for the next period.
·         If you specify multiple Ending Market Values for the same date, then the values are added together.
·         The period for weighting the cash flows is the number of days from the BMV to the EMV.
·         Zero and NULL cash flows are ignored.
·         Deposits to the account should be greater than zero.
·         Withdrawals from the account should be less than zero.
·         The ending market value of long positions is positive.
·         Available in XLeratorDB / financial 2008 only
Let’s assume that we have the following account information.
      date_tran   date,
      amt_tran    money,
      descr_tran nvarchar(10)
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-06-28',498987.32,'MV')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-07-05',-993.58,'Withdrawal')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-07-10',1000.3,'Deposit')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-07-16',-954.15,'Withdrawal')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-07-20',839.55,'Deposit')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-07-25',36124.27,'Deposit')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-07-25',493997.45,'MV')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-07-31',503977.19,'MV')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-08-03',-930.18,'Withdrawal')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-08-09',828.23,'Deposit')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-08-14',-938.37,'Withdrawal')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-08-20',1090.9,'Deposit')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-08-24',-48246.35,'Withdrawal')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-08-24',498937.42,'MV')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-08-29',509016.96,'MV')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-09-04',-922.09,'Withdrawal')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-09-07',1090.67,'Deposit')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-09-13',-916.77,'Withdrawal')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-09-18',1044.57,'Deposit')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-09-24',35643.6,'Deposit')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-09-24',503926.79,'MV')
INSERT INTO #m VALUES ('2012-09-28',514107.13,'MV')
Calculate the Modfied Dietz for the quarter.
SELECT wct.LMDIETZ(amt_tran
,CASE descr_tran
   WHEN 'MV' THEN 'True'
   ELSE 'False'
   ) as LMDIETZ
This produces the following result.
If we wanted to calculate the Modified Dietz for each date for which we have a market value and cumulatively, we could use the following SQL.
SELECT date_start
      ,CASE m1.descr_tran
            WHEN 'MV' THEN 'True'
            ELSE 'False'
      ) as [Modified Dietz]
      ,CASE m2.descr_tran
            WHEN 'MV' THEN 'True'
            ELSE 'False'
      ) as [Cumulative]
      SELECT m1.date_tran as date_start
      ,MIN(m2.date_tran) as date_end
      FROM #m m1
      JOIN #m m2
      ON m1.descr_tran = 'MV'
      AND m2.descr_tran = 'MV'
      AND m2.date_tran > m1.date_tran
      GROUP BY m1.date_tran
      ) d
JOIN #m m1
ON m1.date_tran between d.date_start and d.date_end
JOIN #m m2
ON m2.date_tran between '2012-06-28' and d.date_end
GROUP BY d.date_start, d.date_end
This produces the following result.
date_start date_end           Modified Dietz             Cumulative
---------- ---------- ---------------------- ----------------------
2012-06-28 2012-07-25    -0.0822354637534843    -0.0822354637534843
2012-07-25 2012-07-31     0.0202020071156237    -0.0636947780617653
2012-07-31 2012-08-24     0.0857168243018607     0.0165623321400297
2012-08-24 2012-08-29     0.0202020125089035     0.0370989370900026
2012-08-29 2012-09-24    -0.0806292943843931    -0.0465216184143677
2012-09-24 2012-09-28     0.0202020218055887     -0.027259427358418


See Also
·         MDIETZ - Modified Dietz


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