AdjustedBarrier |
Convert an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly barrier value to a continuous barrier value. |
BinaryBarrierAndStrike |
Calculate the price or Greeks for binary barrier options having payoffs that are received only at expiration. |
BinaryBarrierAndStrikePriceNGreeks |
Calculate the price and other derivatives for binary barrier options having payoffs that are received only at expiration. (table-valued function) |
BinaryBarrierOnly |
Calculate the price or Greeks for binary barrier options having payoffs that are received only at expiration. |
BinaryBarrierOnlyPriceNGreeks |
Calculate the price and other derivatives for binary barrier options having payoffs that are received only at expiration. (table-valued function) |
BinaryBarrierPayoutAtHit |
Calculate the price or Greeks for binary barrier options having payoffs that are received the moment that the barrier is breached. |
BinaryBarrierPayoutAtHitPriceNGreeks |
Calculate the price and other derivatives for binary barrier options having payoffs that are received the moment that the barrier is breached. (table-valued function) |
StandardBarrier |
Calculate the price or Greeks of a European-style Knock-In or Knock-Out option. |
StandardBarrierPriceNGreeks |
Calculate the price and Greeks of a European-style Knock-In or Knock-Out option. (table-valued function) |
BinomialAmerican |
Calculate the price, delta, gamma, theta, vega, rho, or lambda of an American option using the Binomial Tree option pricing formula. |
BinomialAmericanIV |
Calculate the implied volatility of an American option using the Binomial Tree option pricing formula. |
BinomialEuro |
Calculate the price, delta, gamma, theta, vega, rho, or lambda of a European option using the Binomial Tree option pricing formula. |
BinomialEuroIV |
Calculate the implied volatility of a European option using the Binomial Tree option pricing formula. |
BinomialPriceNGreeks |
Calculate the price, delta, gamma, theta, vega, rho, and lambda of European or American options using the Binomial Tree option pricing formula. (table-valued function) |
BinomialTree |
Return the option value, intrinsic value, and underlying value for each node on a binomial tree for an American or European option. (table-valued function) |
sp_BinomialTree |
Generate a result set of all the values in the binomial tree used to calculate the theoretical price of an option. |
BjerksundStensland |
Calculate the price or Greeks of an American-style option using the Bjerksund and Stensland 2002 option pricing formula. |
BjerksundStenslandIV |
Calculate an implied volatility for an American-style option using the Bjerksund and Stensland 2002 option pricing formula. |
BjerksundStenslandPriceNGreeks |
Calculate to calculate the price and other derivatives of an American option using the Bjerksund & Stensland 2002 option pricing formula. (table-valued function) |
BlackScholesMerton |
Calculate the price or Greeks of a European option using the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing formula. |
BlackScholesMertonIV |
Calculate an implied volatility for a European-style option using the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing formula. |
BlackScholesMertonPriceNGreeks |
Calculate the price and other derivatives of a European option using the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing formula. (table-valued function) |
BinomialDiscreteDividends |
Calculate the price and Greeks of an American or European option paying discrete dividends using a Cox Ross Rubinstein Binomial as described in Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition, by John C. † |
BinomialDiscreteDividendsIV |
Calculate the implied volatility of American or European option paying discrete dividends using a Cox Ross Rubinstein Binomial as described in Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition, by John C. † |
BinomialDiscreteDividendsPriceNGreeks |
Calculate the price, delta, gamma, theta, vega, rho, and lambda of American and European options paying discrete dividends using a Cox Ross Rubinstein Binomial as described in Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition, by John C. † (table-valued function) |
BinomialDiscreteDividendsTree |
Return the option value, intrinsic value, underlying value, and present value of the dividend amounts for each node on a binomial tree for an American or European option paying discrete dividends. † (table-valued function) |
NonRecombiningTree new! |
Calculate the price and Greeks of an American or European option paying discrete dividends using a non-recombining binomial tree. † |
NonRecombiningTreeIV new! |
Calculate the implied volatility of an American or European option paying discrete dividends using a non-recombining binomial tree. † |
NonRecombiningTreePriceNGreeks new! |
Calculate the price, delta, gamma, theta, vega, rho, and lambda of American and European options paying discrete dividends using a non-recombining tree. † (table-valued function) |
ProportionalDividends |
Calculate the price and Greeks of an American or European option paying proportional dividends using a Cox Ross Rubinstein Binomial. † |
ProportionalDividendsIV |
Calculate the implied volatility of American or European option paying proportional dividends using a Cox Ross Rubinstein Binomial. † |
ProportionalDividendsPriceNGreeks |
Calculate the price, delta, gamma, theta, vega, rho, and lambda of American and European options paying proportional dividends using a Cox Ross Rubinstein Binomial. † (table-valued function) |
ProportionalDividendsTree |
Return the option value, intrinsic value, and underlying value for each node on a binomial tree for an American or European option paying proportional dividends. † (table-valued function) |
OptionMatrix |
Generate a result set of return values by varying two inputs into the calculated value. |
sp_OptionMatrix |
Generate a result set of all return values by varying two inputs into the calculated value. |
OptionPLMatrix |
Generate a result set of profit (loss) by varying two inputs into the theoretical value of the option. |
sp_OptionPLMatrix |
Generate a result set of profit (loss) by varying two inputs into the theoretical value of the option. |
Return XLeratorDB / options version information. |