Updated: 30 April 2009
Use DOLLAR to convert a number to text using currency format, with the decimals rounded to the specified place.
SELECT [wctString].[wct].[DOLLAR] (
<@Number, float,>
,<@Decimals, int,>)
the number to be evaluated. The @Number argument can be an expression of types that are implicitly convertible to float.
is the number of decimal places in the result. The @Decimals argument can be an expression of types that are implicitly convertible to int.
Return Types
· DOLLAR returns the same results as TEXT(@Number, '$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)').
· To format a number using other grammalogues (€, £, ¥) consider using the TEXT function.
Select wct.DOLLAR(1000000,2)
This produces the following result
(1 row(s) affected)
Select wct.DOLLAR(-1000000,2)
This produces the following result
(1 row(s) affected)
Select wct.TEXT(-1000000,'$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)')
This produces the following result
(1 row(s) affected)