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XLeratorDB for SQL Server 2017

Feb 1

Written by: Charles Flock
2/1/2018 10:56 PM  RssIcon

We are happy to announce the latest releases of XLeratorDB which are compatible with SQL Server 2017.

XLeratorDB, originally introduced for SQL Server 2005, has worked on subsequent releases of SQL Server without modification. The same architecture that worked in SQL Server 2005 also works in SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014 and 2016.

XLeratorDB/2008 was introduced to take advantage of the multi-input aggregate capabilities added to the SQL CLR in SQL Server 2008. While XLeratorDB/2008 requires SQL server 2008 or above, like ‘classic’ XLeratorDB libraries, it works in SQL Server 2012, 2014 and 2016 without modification.

In SQL Server 2017, however, the SQL CLR architecture has changed. Without getting bogged down in the technical details, Microsoft changed the behavior of the SQL CLR in such a way that earlier releases of XLeratorDB will not run in SQL Server 2017.

There are new releases of the XLeratorDB libraries which do support SQL Server 2017. If you are an existing customer and you selected the Enhanced Licensing Option (ELO) and the ELO has not yet expired, then you can get the latest XLeratorDB release simply by logging into your Westclintech account and downloading the installer. The latest version will run in SQL Server 2017 and is backwards compatible with earlier SQL Server versions.

If you don’t have ELO and you are upgrading to SQL Server 2017 then you should contact us about upgrading your existing licenses or obtaining new licenses before migrating to SQL Server 2017. The releases of XLeratorDB which support SQL Server 2017 are:

XLeratorDB / engineering1.01
XLeratorDB / financial1.16
XLeratorDB / financial20081.16
XLeratorDB / math1.12
XLeratorDB / math20081.12
XLeratorDB / financial-options1.03
XLeratorDB / statistics1.15
XLeratorDB / statistics20081.15
XLeratorDB / strings1.04
XLeratorDB / Suite1.29
XLeratorDB / SuitePLUS1.29
XLeratorDB / Suite Developer1.29
XLeratorDB / SuitePLUS Developer1.29
XLeratorDB / Suite20081.29
XLeratorDB / Suite2008 Developer1.29
XLeratorDB / SuitePLUS20081.29
XLeratorDB / SuitePLUS2008 Developer1.29
XLeratorDB / SuitePLUS2008 Subscription1.29
XLeratorDB / windowing1.04

If you have any questions or need additional information about your licenses, send us an e-mail at support@westclintech.com


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